Wednesday, December 24, 2008

December and Aaron's Birthday

The month of December has been a busy one. The three weeks before Christmas just can't stick around at all. Between basketball games, music lessons for all of the kids, homework, actual working (for Greg and Marja), shopping, and all of the Christmas festivities going on, Christmas creeps up on all of us. This year, the cheerleaders got to cheer at a basketball tournament in St. George. So all 16 of us piled up in vans and headed down. Our coach and a few of the cheer parents (my mom included) were gracious enough to drive us down so we didn't have to make the 6 hour drive in an uncomfortable school bus. We left on a Thursday afternoon and came home on Sunday. It was such a fun weekend! Here are just a few of the pictures because if I put them all on, the blog would never end :)

Friday night at the Sky View/Dixie game

My cousin Jessica and myself...our teams (Sky View and Dixie) finally got to play each other so we were able to cheer at the same game our senior year! It was so fun to be able to do that!

Eating suckers at the Pizza Factory. My mom just fit right in with all of us and the girls loved her! :)

Our gorilla tape experiment! Our family is known for being quite the "Clampets" and this is another perfect example :)

My mom and me on the long drive back to Logan

Next thing is a little update from Matt! This is his first Christmas away from home and we're sure that it will be one of his most memorable! We have had some trouble with the mail the past little while and his packages have been getting stolen. Both my mom and grandma sent him one at the beginning of the month and neither package was received. That has been very frustrating but not to worry, we figured out a way around that! For his Christmas package, my mom Fed-Exed it to a ward member's home (the family actually used to be in our ward but moved because the husband is in the army and are now stationed in El Paso). They are having Matt over for dinner tonight (Christmas Eve) and will deliver it to him then. He is doing very well though! He sent us a few pictures a couple weeks ago and we'll include those. We are so excited to get to talk to him tomorrow! I would dare say that my mom is probably the most excited but all of us are anticipating it :) Anyway, here are the pictures he sent us...

Sergio's baptism with the Valdez family

Elder Camp, Elder Hubbard, Elder Davis, and Elder Bagley with the Montez family. Matt has frequently expressed his love for this family!

And last but not least, Aaron's birthday was just last week! His birthday is exactly a week before Christmas, December 18th, so he is our Christmas baby. Actually, let me correct that, he is our Christmas almost teenager!! Aaron turned 11 this year...he is growing up so fast! I remember when he was born 11 years ago and we brought him home from the hospital just days before the wonderful holiday. He was so precious and still is. I don't think I know a sweeter kid than Aaron! School was still in session on his birthday and it was another busy day. He was so patient to wait until after school, after dinner, after a SV basketball game and wrestling match, and after ice cream to finally open his presents at about 9:30 that night. But once he finally got to, he was one excited kid! He had a nice birthday dinner the next night and all was well :) Here are a few photos of the night.
Aaron the birthday boy!

Aaron and Jared

Jared, Marja, Aaron and Greg

Aaron and Megan

Grandma and Grandpa came over for the festivities!

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